Esme Witbooi Coaching

What is Emotional Intelligence really?

Emotional Intelligence has become the buzz word in Leadership success today. The question really is, what do we mean by Emotional Intelligence?

Psychologists agree that IQ contributes only 20% and a full 80% comes from Emotional Intelligence when it comes to leadership success. So, a high IQ does not necessarily predict who will succeed.

What does EQ refer to?

Self-awareness (Knowing your inner state)

As a leader, you have to become conscious of the impact you have on others. You need to be aware of your own strengths and limitations. This comes down to knowing yourself. In other words being aware of what you are doing by noticing the sensations, emotions, or thoughts you experience.

Tip: You may have little control over when you have swept away with emotions but you can control how long that emotion will last.

Self-Management (Controlling and improving your own behaviours)

When leading others, self- management is an important competency. It refers to the ability to manage one’s own emotions and mood. Ultimately managing your behvaviour. The emotionally intelligent person can take charge of his or her emotions through self –awareness and continuously improving themselves.

Tip: Observe your emotional state and then decide if it is an appropriate response for the circumstances and people involved.

Social awareness (Tuning in to other people – empathy)

Becoming aware of others is pertinent in building impactful relationships. You will need to learn how to tune into others by noticing and acknowledging people. This comes down to empathy. Becoming observant of how others feel and adjust your response to best enhance the situation.

Tip: The more adaptable we are at discerning the feelings behind other people’s signals, the better we control the signals we send.

Relationship Management (Dedicating time and energy to your relationships)

You can never be successful as a leader on your own. Your success is impacted by how well you nurture and cultivate relationships around you. Great leaders invest time and energy to develop and grow others. They inspire performance in others through constant coaching, supporting, teaching, mentoring and bringing out the best in people. They recognise and acknowledge others efforts and reward accordingly.

Tip: Emotional intelligence requires you to take 100% responsibility for the outcome of all your relationships.

In a nutshell

Emotional Intelligence is largely based on how you impact others. This can either be positive or negative. Interestingly it is based on your behaviour. The truth remains, EQ is about how you make others feel. Just think for a moment…. Who impacted you greatly in life that you know as a leader, mentor, coach or teacher? You will first think about how that person made you feel, right?

emotional intelligence Iceberg

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