Esme Witbooi Coaching

Learning how to say NO is a skill

Too often people always feel compelled to always help and that is why they always say yes. Therefore the productivity of their work and quality can be negatively affected by this. Remember this, it does not have to be this way. Learning to say no effectively is a skill anyone can learn.

Being helpful is the right thing to do. You just got to learn to do it at the right time and for the right reasons. You got to learn to become more thoughtful about when and how to say no.

First, you have to determine when to say no.

Step 1

Determine what matters most

You got to understand what is most important about your work when someone requests your assistance. Some of your work is important and some not as important at that moment. Knowing this is vital as you have to think about your current workload. If the person asking for your assistance will jeopardize your current workload for that day, it would be wise to say no. You have to be careful to not help someone habitually to the point that it becomes expected of you. Being always mindful of your own workload will help you to become aware of when to say no.

Step 2

Think about who is requesting your assistance

Here you got to determine if it is a daily request you get from the same person or once a month request. If it is daily or too often, it might become a problem. If it is once a month for something strategically important it might be okay to assist.

Step 3

Know the implications

Saying no could have negative consequences. It could question your loyalty, work ethic, whether or not you’re a team player and even your likeability can be in question. Moreover even your reputation. This can be why most people most likely would want to say always yes all the time. Therefore, saying no correctly is very important. This way people will learn to respect your time.

Learning how to say no effectively without offending the other person is a skill. You might say no for now, and offer to help them later. Or you might even refer them to an alternative source for assistance when you are not able to assist them at that moment. This way you are saying no effectively but at the same time offer help in a different way so you can be productive. Be brief, respectful and have positive body language. You got to remember to do it effectively and not say to the person, “Sorry it is not my job”.

Below are few tips….

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