Esme Witbooi Coaching

Constructive criticism – The Hamburger approach

As Leaders, we often have to give feedback to our direct reports on negative behaviour that needs to change. Research has shown that up to 95% of Leaders find it uncomfortable to give constructive critique, due to fear of how it might be perceived by the team member.

There is a huge difference between management and leaders. Mangers tend to focus more on control, while leader are focused on taking people their next level.

To take people to their next level, feedback becomes a vital part of your role as a leader and knowing how to do this constructively without offending your staff is of critical importance.

Here is a simple method to construct your critique in an empowering way that leaves the receiver of the feedback empowered and not offended when done skillfully. 

When offering a critique, you begin with a constructive compliment on something the person does well (Otherwise known as the fluffy bun part). You then get to the meat of the matter, which of course is the constructive criticism part. Finally, you end with another constructive compliment (i.e. the other half of the fluffy bun).

In other words, you’re sandwiching the constructive criticism between two constructive compliments. In my opinion, it’s been an extremely effective technique, mainly due to its disarming effect. It helps people let down their guard, and receive the criticism without being as defensive according to author Nate Just, founder of Competitive Edge LLC.

I recommend this method for task based related matters occurring in the day to day activities of your operation. The kind of feedback that must done immediately on a regular day to day basis.

Here is an example:

Hey Johan, thank you completing the project on time. I noticed your opening statement and strategic planning is brilliant. Could you please review the budgeting in more detail? There are few items you missed. For example the marketing cost, transportation cost and chemical material cost. The numbers are not corresponding to the project budget. Overall you did a great job submitting the project on time under such short notice. Thanks for making the effort.

For more information on how to give constructive feedback on more complex matters, visit Constructive Feedback post here


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